Fomorian Bare and Wizard Heads
JR Miniatures
This .stl pack contains 12 Fomorian grunt bare heads with differing horns and poses and one Fomorian Wizard head. The pack only contains digital .stl head files and will need to be printed on a resin 3D printer.
For best printing, print at 0.02mm resolution and angle the snout/mouth to point directly upwards with supports on the back of the head and neck.
The heads are scaled for 28mm heroic scale miniatures. Example images show the heads printed and used with GW Kruleboyz with some greenstuff hoods. Kruleboyz and hoods are not included in this purchase, only the rendered heads featured on the first and second images.
All heads come unsupported.
12 Fomorian .stl grunt bare heads and 1 Fomorian .stl Wizard head.
63.2 MB
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